Tuesday 25 August 2015

one hundred & fifty one

In terra refugium non invenio quia ei scandalum fui 
(I find no refuge on earth, to which I have become an outrage)

Friday 21 August 2015

one hundred & fifty

the principle fault of the majority of writers and artists is having neither the will nor the courage to break with their successes, failing to seek new paths and give birth to new ideas. Most of them produce them twice, three, even four times. They have neither the courage nor the temerity to leave what is certain for what is uncertain. There is, however, no greater pleasure than going into the depth of oneself, setting one's whole being in motion and seeking for new and hidden treasures. What a joy to find something new in oneself, something that surprises even ourselves, filling us with warmth. *

* Claude-Achille Debussy (22 August 1862 – 25 March 1918)

The Hour-Glass - WB Yeats
New Version—1912

  ...  Every day men go out dressed in black and spread great black nets over the hills, great black nets. ...

They spread them out on the hills that they may catch the feet of the angels; but every morning just before the dawn, I go out and cut the nets with the shears and the angels fly away.

O, look what has come from his mouth! O, look what has come from his mouth—the white butterfly!